cute blogspot


Halloween 2010

Halloween is not one of my favorite holidays, but its growing on me now that the twins are here. This year since I am learning to sew I decided to make the kids costumes. I did Callie's almost all by myself with only supervision from Nana. However, I ran out of time so Nana had to finish Caden's. I figured scrubs would be easiest and since the kids are crazy about their "Meow-Meow" and "Dog" I choose to go with the Vet profession instead of the traditional nurse or doctor. Anyway... the kids had a blast this year as they are really getting to the age where they understand holidays. And also the concept that they were getting CANDY! We don't really keep candy around the house and limit their candy intake, so it was a very special occassion for them to get to eat more than a couple of M&M's or fruit gummies. Here are a few shots from the night... I think one of the highlights was going to Aunt Stephanie's to see her dressed up, telling fortunes in her "crystal ball" aka... snowglobe, and handing out goodies.